I've put HyperView, the new hypertexting program, up for downloading. It's a brand-new program, so you may run into some glitches, but I've tested it pretty well, so it ought to work. It's a great tool for hypertexting, because it has a built-in dictionary and all sorts of custom commands for making hyperlinks.
HyperView requires MacOS X Jaguar, version 10.2.6, and you must have the Java 1.4.1 package installed. You can install this by clicking on the blue apple in the upper left corner of your screen. Then click on "System Preferences...". When that comes up, look for the Software Update icon, which is towards the bottom of the System Preferences pane. Click on that icon, and Software Update will start.
HyperView uses Jim Valby's dictionary, so you need to download the Jim Valby dictionary files. For these, download JimValbyFiles.dmg. Your web browser should automatically unpack and mount this disk image, and it should appear on your desktop as a disk drive icon named JimValbyFiles. Double-click on this, and you should see a Finder window with a package icon in it, also labeled JimValbyFiles. Double click on the package icon. This will start the installer, which will install the Jim Valby Dictionary Files for you.
To install HyperView, download HyperView-0.2.dmg. When the download is complete, you should have a copy of HyperView-0.2.dmg. Your web browser will automatically mount this as a disk image, and it should appear on your desktop as a disk drive icon labeled HyperView. Double click on it, and a finder window should come up with a little package icon in it. Double-click on the package icon to install HyperView.
In order to use HyperView, you need something to hypertext. You will eventually have to ask for an assignment, but to familiarize yourself with HyperView we have a sample file that you can try. Download the file, kyamdro.hyp. Remember where you downloaded it so that you can open it in HyperView.
The package installer automatically installs HyperView in your Applications Folder - to start it, from the finder pull down the Go menu and select Applications. This will bring up a Finder window on your Applications folder. You should find HyperView in this window. The icon will look like this:
If you want to be able to start HyperView easily, drag it onto your dock. To start it from the dock, click on it once. To start it from the Applications folder, double-click on it. HyperView can take a while to start, depending on how fast your Mac is, so don't worry if it doesn't come up instantly.
When HyperView has started, you may see a dialog box that lets you configure your preferences. The default preferences should be okay - if you just click on OK, it should work.
HyperView will pause for a while and then bring up a big window that's split in the middle. Now you can use the File->Open menu to load in your file. Find kyamdro.hyp in the Open dialog box and open it.
To get started with hypertexting, read over the Hypertexting tutorial. You should probably reread it later when you run into trouble, or just for review.
Once you've loaded the demo, and you want to start hypertexting, you can do a few things. If you highlight some Tibetan and type CMD+D, it will pop up a definition in the right window. If you highlight either Tibetan or English and type CMD+',', it will start a hyperlink. If you highlight some more text and type CMD+'.', it will link the text you've highlighted to the previous hyperlink. CMD means to hold down one of the keys to the left or right of the spacebar on your keyboard that is labeled with the open apple and the clover leaf on it.
CMD+S saves your work. You should do this frequently - HyperView is brand new, and we can't promise that it's perfect yet.
Everything that you can do with the CMD key you can also do from the menus. If you pull down a menu, you will see that some items have a little cloverleaf icon followed by a letter to the right of the text for the item. That tells you what key to hit, in combination with CMD, to access that menu item.
If you run into trouble, please tell us about it. You can report problems in the HyperText topic of the Diamond Mountain Electronic Sangha Bulletin Board. HyperView is new, and it's quite likely that it will do things that strike you as incorrect. We need to hear about these, so that we can smooth out the user experience and fix any outright bugs that you run into.
Also, if you had trouble with these installation instructions, please let us know what you had trouble with, so that we can make them more clear. If you have questions about Hypertexting, please ask them. The Diamond Mountain bulletin board is the place to do it.
The HyperView project is maintained using a free service called SourceForge. SourceForge is a huge repository of free, open-source software of which HyperView is a tiny little part. |